Contents of Bill Rapaport's ftp directory. For further information, send email to: Use "gunzip" to uncompress .gz files "FISI" = First International Summer Institute in Cognitive Science (1994) filename: contents: --------- --------- README this file postscript version of: Rapaport, W.J. (1993), "Cognitive Science," in Ralston & Reilly (eds.), Encyclopedia of Computer Science, 3/e (Van Nostrand Reinhold): 185--189. fisi-addresses.html html version of FISI address list* postscript version of draft of 1995-1996 edition of my Buffalo restaurant guide restaurants.tex* latex/ascii version of draft of 1995-1996 edition of my Buffalo restaurant guide snerg.dn.3my93.dvi* dvi version of SNePS Research Group description postscript version of SNePS tutorial* postscript version of: Rapaport, W.J. (forthcoming, 1995), "Understanding Understanding: Syntactic Semantics and Computational Cognition," in Tomberlin (ed.), Philosophical Perspectives, Vol. 9: AI, Connectionism, and Philosophical Psychology (Ridgeview).